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Lonr Bltr Album

I was going through some old stuff and found some recordings I did when I was rehearsing for the last time I played live anywhere, at the 1996 Colorado Freedom Festival in Boulder. Colorado.

It's just me, a guitar and a few songs... oh - and a hummingbird or two!

On a whim, I decided to release this as an album... it should be available in a month - May 25th, so stay tuned!

way of working

The way I record these days is very unstructured and agile. It is all recorded improvisation. A few edits from time to time.
I used to write typical songs with lyrics, but I feel I can express myself better without words, though the use of sounds.


In case you haven't noticed, the site has changed a bit.

Most of the content has been temporarily removed, but should be back at some point in the future...